Where do we go from here? where do we stop? what's right is right whats wrong is wrong.are we mixing up things that shouldn't be? i think there's a degree of paranoia going on in America ,been going on for a while but more since the election,are supremacists wrong? of course they are ,goes without saying,God created man equal to other men, no race is superior or inferior to another. for every action according to the laws of nature there is a reaction, sometimes the reaction goes or could go farther than the action which in turn can cause a reaction to the reaction and so on and so on,very dangerous things which we would be best keep far away from.
a statue is not worth fighting over, already Stonewall Jackson's was removed, they want to remove Robert E Lee now, maybe in order to avoid bloodshed it could be removed to another place where it could not cause fighting or bad feelings, the problem is the precedent that is established,where do we go from here? where do we stop? do we remove George Washington's statues or his image from the dollar bill? do we remove Thomas Jefferson's statues or his image from the five dollar bill? or Alexander hamilton,or Andrew Jackson, the seventh president and hero of the battle of new orleans that won the war of 1812,whose image we are already removing from the twenty dollar bill? or the many others who in revolutionary times ,before or after owned slaves?, do we wipe off with one great sweep centuries of american history? or try and place the past where it belongs,in the past? and go on from here and now to a brand new future of freedom and equality for all, leave the statues where they are,all of them,leave the dollar bills and the books etc where they are,it is the best thing for all of us ,the statues are the best teachers,the best examples to future generations of the many wrong things of the past that will teach the mistakes to all and keep us from repeating them again.
a statue is not worth fighting over, already Stonewall Jackson's was removed, they want to remove Robert E Lee now, maybe in order to avoid bloodshed it could be removed to another place where it could not cause fighting or bad feelings, the problem is the precedent that is established,where do we go from here? where do we stop? do we remove George Washington's statues or his image from the dollar bill? do we remove Thomas Jefferson's statues or his image from the five dollar bill? or Alexander hamilton,or Andrew Jackson, the seventh president and hero of the battle of new orleans that won the war of 1812,whose image we are already removing from the twenty dollar bill? or the many others who in revolutionary times ,before or after owned slaves?, do we wipe off with one great sweep centuries of american history? or try and place the past where it belongs,in the past? and go on from here and now to a brand new future of freedom and equality for all, leave the statues where they are,all of them,leave the dollar bills and the books etc where they are,it is the best thing for all of us ,the statues are the best teachers,the best examples to future generations of the many wrong things of the past that will teach the mistakes to all and keep us from repeating them again.